About Us

Hola! I am Clemencia, the face behind Gordita Pero Cute. This is my family: Victor my husband, and our fur babies from left to right Belle Chiquita, Marbles and Kratos. We were married in January 2009 and have shared many memories. We are not blessed with human children, but our fur babies have no idea they are not human. They are very spoiled, to say the least.
Gordita Pero Cute is a brand that brings you Spanglish t-shirts for all shapes and sizes. I noticed that a lot of the t-shirts I liked didn't come in my size, so I never wore t-shirts. I told myself that I would have to make my own if I wanted to wear tees. And that is exactly what I did. I will make it a point to provide shirts through size 3X, and if you need another size, just let me know.
I also love to make jewelry. It started as a hobby in 2011, and then I decided to add it to my business venture in 2017. I love wearing jewelry because most of it fits all sizes! You'll also find one of a kind jewelry creations in the shop. l love wearing earrings, like all the time. That is mainly what I create.
Through this brand, shop + blog, I want to try and remove the negative stigmas associated with overweight people. F*** those beauty standards that say you have to be thin to be beautiful, thin to be healthy, thin to be strong. Just because we're chubby doesn't mean we're lazy, or sit and eat chips and ice cream all day. No matter how healthy I eat and how much I exercise, I will never be 125 lbs. I never have been and never will be. That is not ideal for me. I embrace my curves, love myself, and work on myself for myself. You should too!
Vic and I were both born and raised in Houston, Texas, with Mexican roots.
We love running this business and put lots of love and care into the products we make. We hope you enjoy our work as well. Much Love, Clem & Vic